Frank Burns
Frank Burns Accounting
Frank Burns
Frank Burns Accounting
Gerard Gonzales
Standard Printing
Gerald Clark
EMS Supervisor
Aaron Franco
The Petal Express
Mariah Moravitz Berger
Cuero Regional Hospital & The Spinning Top
Jeanette Rocha
The Green Cow Creamery
Lee Ann Schiffbauer
The Venue on Church Street
The Main Street Advisory Board is a strong, working board capable of creating positive change for downtown. The success of a commercial district’s preservation and revitalization effort depends largely on the board’s ability to identify and mobilize resources, build volunteer support, develop new leadership, and maintain a clear focus on the district’s needs and opportunities. All members of the board and additional volunteers for the program are historic preservation advocates.
The board is a decisive, action-oriented group, small enough to establish a quorum easily and large enough to represent a cross-section of the community. The board is made up of seven members, providing commitment, skills, leadership, time, enthusiasm, resources, and community respect to the organization. Examples of sectors of the community to be represented are: downtown property owners, historic preservation societies, retailers, business owners, city/county government, local civic organizations, community leaders, architects, bankers, interested citizens, etc.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday at 5:30 PM.
City Council Chambers
212 E. Main Street
Cuero, TX 77954
Sandra Tague Osman
Cuero Main Street
Lisa Waterbury
City of Cuero
Caroline “Connie” Hawes
City of Cuero
Jennifer Vinson
City of Cuero
Angie Cueller
Chamber of Commerce
Promotion takes many forms, but the goal is to create a positive image that will renew community pride and tell your Main Street story to the surrounding region. The techniques we teach, and the variety of tools at your disposal, will help to rekindle the vitality of your community. Promotions communicate your commercial district’s unique characteristics, cultural traditions, architecture, history, and activities to shoppers, investors, potential business & property owners, and visitors.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday at Noon
Pizza provided.
Cuero Main Street Conference Room
210 E. Main Street
Cuero, TX 77954
Alan Kahlich
Anders Auto Supply
Charles Papacek
Frank Burns
Frank Burns Accounting
Gerald Clark
EMS Assistant Director, Cuero
ECONOMIC VITALITY: Retain and expand successful businesses to provide a balanced commercial mix, sharpen competitiveness and merchandising skills of business owners and attract new businesses; creative reuse of historic properties; convert vacant commercial space into economically productive property.
DESIGN: Create a safe, inviting environment for shoppers, workers, and visitors while preserving historic character; take advantage of visual opportunities by directing attention to physical elements: public and private buildings, storefronts, signs, public spaces, parking areas, street furniture, public art, landscaping, merchandising, window displays and promotional materials. An appealing atmosphere conveys a positive message about the commercial district and what it has to offer. Instill good maintenance practices; enhance physical appearance through the rehabilitation of historic buildings, encourage appropriate new construction, develop design management systems, educate business and property owners about design quality and long-term planning.
Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday at 5:30 PM
Cuero Public Library
207 E. Main Street
Cuero, TX 77954
Candy Henderson
Keep Cuero Beautiful
Denise McMahan
Cuero Regional Hospital
Establish consensus and cooperation by building partnerships among the various groups that have a stake in the commercial district. Volunteer recruitment and collaboration with partners represent a broad cross-section of the community. A governing board of directors and standing committees make up the fundamental organizational structure of volunteer-driven revitalization programs.
Meetings are held At-Will to promote events during the year.
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